This blog post is dedicated to those Enigmen and women out there who are helping to grow our sport. In Dayton, Cincinnati, and Columbus, our team is dedicating a lot of time and effort to teach ultimate to young players in those respective areas.
I was at the YUC (Youth Ultimate of Cincinnati) lock-in last weekend and was amazed at how many kids were there playing ultimate. I have been in and around YUC for 4 years now, and did not expect to see as many high schoolers as I did. It’s an exciting time to be playing ultimate, and Enigmen were there in numbers.
Mike, Tim, and Todd were at the lock-in representing the Cincinnati Revolution, who did a great job putting together drills and games for the kids to interact with professionals. Joe Z and myself (Chad) were fortunate enough to coach an awesome team of kids, and we had a blast. The lock-in was a major success for all parties involved.
Beyond the lock-in, I believe the Revolution plan to continue their youth/community involvement. This is great for the sport, and should be a good boost to their ticket sales as well. We also have a number of people involved in the YUC league as high school coaches. Tim will be coaching Springboro, Todd will likely be involved with either Sycamore or Milford after tax season, and of course we have the squadron of coaches at Centerville with Hoy, Joe Z, Z Knight, Allison, and Esteban. I’ll be involved with Centerville at a minimal level, but I am also coaching a first year program at Oakstone Academy in Columbus. (If I’m missing anyone, let me know)
Last but not least, it’s always important to recognize and thank Brewster for the hard work he has put in to make Dayton ultimate a real thing. It’s been a full year of leagues now, and he is gearing up the community for the second year of spring league. Awesome stuff.
Oh, and Token found out he is staying in Dayton. So be ready for news on what the season will look like before the end of March. Congrats Zubat.
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