Thursday, September 30, 2010


For the first time in Enigma's 3 year career, we have qualified for Regionals which will take place in Minneapolis, MN. A few things to take from the weekend:

  • Gumball = Butters, Butters = Gumball. The two have become practically synonymous.
  • Enigma lost 2 games. By 2 points. Total.
  • 3:10 to Madcow didn't quite work, but our Boombox did.
Enigma 15 vs Age Against the Machine 5 W
Enigma 15 vs Yold 1 W
Enigma 10 vs A Block 11 L
Enigma 13 vs Jurassic Shark 12 W
Enigma 14 vs Lake Effect 15 L
Enigma 13 vs Silver Bullet Band 10 W
Enigma 15 vs FYC 11 W
Enigma 13 vs Lake Effect 11 W

Did you guys that? That's all.

not quite

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Nati Open

So Enigma just hosted the first (annual??) Nati Open. This year it was a one day tournament with only 5 teams: Enigma, Lake Effect, Cinci Open, Breakers Mark, and Age Against the Machine. I feel like cutting to the chase, so here are the scores:

Enigma 13 over Age 4
Enigma 13 over Cinci Open 4
Engima 13 over Breakers Mark 7
Enigma over Lake Effect 7

We had 2 subs for most of the day until the last game when we had a lonely sub the entire game. Playing near savage for 4 games was a good experience and for everyone that was there I'm sure we all have much more confidence going into sectionals here in less than a month.

Enigmen, continue running and throwing as much as you can here in the next month. Sectionals is going to be a blast, and Regionals needs to be in more than the back of your mind at this point.

His name was Pegasus....

The video from the Age scrimmage is uploading right now, so I'll post a link when it's done.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Practice comes to an end

I have been informed that it has been a while since the blog has been updated, so here it goes. (Hoy, for you I almost stopped there) But for everyone else, practice has come to a conclusion for the season ending with a 2 game scrimmage in Cinci against Age Against the Machine. Enigma brought sublimated jerseys and hucks a plenty, but our man defense left much to be desired. Fellas, bring it upon yourselves to condition in this month before sectionals we have. Everyone get as fit and as tan as Butters, then a Regionals appearance including a Hoover hosting will be all but guaranteed.

Oh, and there may have been a small amount of footage accumulated through these tournaments this summer, so with Ames breathing down my neck I will begin putting together a little highlight reel to show how good you guys are and how many turns I have.

Video will be up in 6 months at the latest.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

1st Tourney Victory

Sorry gentlemen, it has been a while. But it is time to expand on the limited blogging that has happened in the near past. Enigma has been to No Surf, Scinny, and now the Bourbon Bowl tournament. The "latterest" of these tourneys, Enigma got stuck in traffic on I-75 and arrived 15 minutes late to the fields: promptly cleating up, lacking warm ups, and lost our 2 first games by approximately 7 points total if I remember correctly.

Enigma 9 vs. Lex Lutheran Alum 13
Enigma 10 vs. Silver Bullet Band 13

The next game was enjoyable, for there was an opponent. Approximately the height of myself (fudge). Wearing matching cleats. Matching shorts. Hat and manorisms were also strikingly similar and quickly became known as "skinny me" from the perspective of our similar opponent. Enigma managed to pull out a 13 - 9 victory that sent precedent for the remainder of the tournament.

With motivation of free beer and a hotel stay, Enigma won their next game 13 - 2 with 0* turnovers (which was the deed to be done for said beers and hotels).

On day 2 Enigma. Didn't. Mess. Around. Game 1 was against Breaker's Mark and Enigma took the game at 13 - 4. Next came the looong bye round for Enigma as Silver Bullet Band and Breakers Mark were hard capped in a game to 13. For all of you that recall, we chose fantasy players and "Socks" was the victor with 2.5 fantasy points. And a glorious bye it was. But a bitter taste was left in the Enigmatic mouths from the day before. It was time for revenge.

Enigma (3 seed) played the 2nd seed Silver Bullet Band and Enigma took the game 13 - 2. After playing a total of 56 points in the first 2 games on day 2, Silver Bullet Band's zone could not contain the Enigmen. So the finals rolled around, and Enigma was to play Lex Lutheran Alum again. Although this game we had the injured side line support of Dungeon-Master Baumann. That must have been what we needed (plus the extra wrist band he provided), for Enimga went on to win 13 - 10 to pull out the first tournament victory in the premier Dayton club team's history.

GUMBALL WINNER: Chris Weyers for spectacular layout D's and never ending intensity on the field.

*Fudge and Weyers were paying for the beer and hotel, so their turns were not counted (3 total)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Practice Starts Tomorrow

Just in case you haven't heard and you happen to look here, Enigma practices (pickup) will begin tomorrow, Tuesday the 11th at 6pm at our usual practice location off Stewart and Main St. near UD's campus. These first couple practices or so will be just pickup to get a feel fore everyone's ability, then if our turnout remains high we will have tryouts to set our roster. If you would like to join the premier Dayton ultimate team, join us tomorrow and every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 6 - 8 at those fields.

Good teams win games. Great teams win games on D.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

[ENIGMA] Google Group

I believe that this is the link to get to the group:

So I don't know how much info I'll be updating on the group itself, but join the group for it will make it easier for me to send everyone e-mails. Other than that, do what you will, enjoy the coming of spring, and lay out!