Monday, August 12, 2013

Hoosier Hoedown

Enigma vs Cakti 8-13

I don't know how to say it other than we came out flat footed and arrogant to start this game. We had the majority of our roster this weekend (22 of 27 guys) but could not put together a good first game. We under estimated our opponents who most definitely out-played us. Sloppy turns and a lack of hustle prevented us from putting up a decent score. This game left a bitter taste until the last game of the weekend. Notable play: Rapsheet's layout score in the endzone.

Enigma vs KFC 13-8

Maybe we just needed a game to wake up, but against KFC we were clicking on all cylinders. We had many less mistakes then the Cakti game and capitalized on KFC's turns. This game was heated at times, but we executed on offense and D did their job getting breaks. Notable play: Ames' layout D.

Enigma vs Jurassic Shark 13-6

Shark seemed to be suffering from some roster turnover and even tho we had a handful of tight points, our D line spent a lot time on the field in this game.

Enigma vs Brickyard 9-13

The middle two games of the day would have set us up well for a good game against brickyard, but after what ended up being close to a 2 hour bye we were back to our round 1 selves. Brickyard scored their first O point then broke us 2 or 3 times before we could clear our heads and get back on track. We defaulted to making the same mental mistakes and miscues that killed us in the Cakti game. We rallied a few breaks of our own to come within 1 down 8-9, but Indy's new club team closed the game out well.

After a long day of ultimate ending nearly around 6 pm, a combination of the pool followed by large Margaritas at Texas Roadhouse seemed like the only viable way to prepare for Day 2 of this lovely tournament. [Manly challenge: peach margaritias. Oh yea. Throw that kicker shot in to show everyone how much more of a man you are]

Enigma vs Pocket City Approach 13-10

We were determined to start off Day 2 better than Day 1, but this game was also closer than we would have liked. O line and D line both rolled the first half and then it felt like we slipped the clutch into neutral. Before we knew it they had broken us multiple times to bring the game within 1. From there we engaged 5th and thru the metal to the floor, but if there is one thing to take away from this weekend it is getting your mind right for each and every point. Just becauase we are up or down by a lot doesn't mean we are in the clear or out of the game. Keep your eyes on the prize and these rounds will go quicker in the future.

Enigma vs Brick City 13-0

Brick City looked like they had some athletes but could be low on numbers, but we didn't want to underestimate a team again (the way we did with Cakti). So we came out strong and executed on both sides of the field.

Enigma vs Cakti 13-8

It was time for revenge. Because Shark and Cakti had played today already, they decided to have us play Cakti rather than INFamous. We came out strong and made some big plays in the game. Weyers was all over the place on D (would you expect anything else) and Travis was open on every in cut. O line did have some errors late in this game as well, but D line prevailed to let Enigma end up on top.

All in all it was a good weekend with the premier club team from Dayton, OH. I'm glad to be back in the swing of club, although my body is a couple of days behind me. Time to ice, dueces!